Epiphanies of a new cyclist - Updated 6/16

 Little epiphanies can happen at the oddest times, I always think "oh I must include that in my next post," but alas, I usually forget. Sometimes it is such a random piece of nonsense it hardly deserves a mention. Other times, it's a little tidbit that a more experienced rider would have figured out long ago. Either way these "little epiphanies" are odd bits of information that have helped me on my way, I share them in the hope that they my aid your journey too.

I will be adding to this page as ideas come to me, so check back!

#1 The cycling community has provided me with priceless information, advice and expertise. I live in a small town and my local bike shop always seems too busy to answer questions. Thank goodness for the online community that has helped me along the way. If you are new to this too, get some support!

#2 Raise your saddle for less achy knees and more powerful rotations. Raising my saddle alleviated 95% of my knee pain and when it has occasionally come back, I usually notice my saddle has slipped. Of course you can have your saddle too high, so experiment to find what works for you.

#3 Take snacks (just learning this one myself). One would think a mum with a toddler would always have plenty of these on hand...but I'm not talking cheerios or goldfish. I have found whole fruit and raw nuts to be great snacks to stop me from getting energy lows. I think when you are a new cyclist you get used to feeling exhausted and sometimes it's hard to know if it's due to low fuel or actually being "done".

#4 Assume every other vehicle on the road has not seen you. I read somewhere that new cyclists are far more likely to be involved in an accident than seasoned ones. I was hit by a car when cycling through an intersection years ago. I had just gotten a bike and was extremely nervous about getting hit, and sure enough it happened (I never rode that bike again). I was fine, but if that same accident happened now, with Jack on the back it would be another story. I dread the idea of getting hit by a car and literally go over scenarios in my mind of how I could get the best possible outcome in all situations. I never take unnecessary risks and if in doubt I stop or drastically slow down until I know for sure I've been seen and acknowledged. I find most drivers are very courteous, and generally speaking no one wants to hurt anyone else- but people are distracted and impatient.

#5 Don't put up with an uncomfortable bike, if its not a good fit you won't want to ride it. Don't give up tweaking your position until you are 100% satisfied. I'm still making changes to mine and it keeps getting better and better, and therefore my rides are better and I look forward to them more.

#6 Experiment to find what motivates you to ride. I've found that trips with a destination or a specific purpose are far more enjoyable and fulfilling, buying groceries via bike gives me a sense of accomplishment that a joy ride can never provide (joy rides are great too).

#7 If you are seeking to decrease your car time gradually and replace it with trips by bike, try this- Find a map and draw a circle around your house that fits your cycling ability, complete all errands within that circle by bike and gradually increase the diameter to match your progress.

#8 If your saddle hurts, give it some time. If it still hurts get a new one. 

#9 Adding music to my rides has been the best thing I've done since I got my cushy saddle. Of course riding is fun, especially on a lovely warm sunny day with a cool breeze, but add some reggae tunes and you take it to a whole new level of awesomeness, I feel like I'm on vacation and should have a margarita in my Sigg bottle. My whole set up came to under $30 and was a great investment.


  1. The information here about seat(especially the height section) is super valuable information!


  2. To follow up on my other comment, basically a quick way to get your seat height is to get against a wall while standing with your heel on a pedal that is at the bottom of its rotation. (crank arm straight down)

    Lift the seat to get to where it would be if you were sitting on it there.


    1. Thanks for the info J, I too have gotten lots of info via Sheldon's website.

  3. I'd add that getting off and walking your bike is a perfectly acceptable option. I always seem to forget it's available until later when I'm dissecting my actions and wondering if I could have done something different/safer.

  4. Thanks lindsay, great advice! I especially like the circle around the house. Carl

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  6. I drew circles around the bus shop when trying to get people to bike in! Yay for the same idea. (FYI, lots of people are driving in from even as close as 3 miles away! That's a 10 minute car drive- 15 minutes by bike!)

    Using your heel on a pedal is the most accurate way to get the seat comfortable for me too. But beware! Some shoes have enough of a sole thickness difference to make it matter- a quick release is handy here, as is a sharpie line around the post to make setting it easy off the bike.

    1. RETF- that is a good idea too! I think the idea of a circle within one's limits makes it not as overwhelming.

  7. Regarding your #4: I saw a comment recently in which the poster said: "I take the lane BECAUSE I'm risk-averse."

    Don't ride the edge--it invites overtaking road users to crowd you out of your lane, and makes it harder for them to see you as soon as they otherwise might.

    Ride well out in the lane. You are easier to see from farther away, and it discourages people from squeezing past you in your lane.

    1. bikeolounger- I agree, taking the lane is sometimes the safest option, despite the fact that it might not feel so at first. Also not weaving on the lane, especially around parked cars!

  8. Lindsay, I encourage you (and everyone else!) to check in with your local bike shop - or a not so local one to see if anyone is offering the League of American Bicyclists' Traffic Skills 101 class. It is designed to teach people to ride safely and confidently in traffic. Any League Certified Instructor can teach you (and everyone else!) the material.

  9. Savvy Cycling teaches great courses about driving your bike in traffic. see: http://cyclingsavvy.org/ Talk about the causes of accidents, lane control and operating within normal traffic. I highly recommend it.


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