More about me...

I started this blog as part of a 12 month commitment to get healthier for my son, to lessen my use on fossil fuels and start a habit of cycling. I purchased a Yuba Mundo cargo bike which I absolutely loved, spent the first part of 2012 building my confidence and then decided it was time to fulfil some other dreams; one of which was to return to my home country, England.

In October of that same year we landed in Heathrow and journeyed to Bristol where we started a new life, which sadly didn't pan out due to what we realized would be a long battle with current British immigration for my American husband.

With what was left of our dwindled savings we decided to head to another E.U. country under the advice of an immigration lawyer. Of course, if you want to encourage yourself to keep pursuing a cycle centric life there is one country in Europe that stands above the others, so we headed for the Netherlands, in the hope of finding a new life, community and place to call our own. Sadly we had to sell our bikes to raise the travel expenses we needed, the irony of selling them to move to Amsterdam seemed cruel at the time but we have since replaced them with a couple of sturdy Dutch built bikes.

It has been a rough few months, we're still looking for answers and we're not completely sure where home is, but we keep calling this an "adventure" because it makes it sound like fun, which most of the time it is.

I have no idea where this journey will end, but I'd love it if you would join me.



  1. Hi Lindsay,

    I'm new to your blog and have really enjoyed reading your news so far. Keep up the good work and I look forward to hearing more from you.

    Kind regards,
    ps - I have a Jack, he's 18 years old!

  2. Hello Louise-

    Thank you for reading and commenting! I'm really enjoying this journey, it is life changing for sure. Jack is a lovely name :)


  3. I'm so glad I found your blog. We're living without a car and have a three year old boy in Ottawa. Boys and bikes seem to go together. : )

    1. Hey Lana- That must be tough at times with a colder climate! Yes, it does seem like boys and bikes go well, we are just about to buy a Strider Bike, I think he will LOVE it. Thank you for reading all my ups and downs! Cheers Lindsay

  4. Hi Lindsay:

    Dan in Boston. I Love "Keep Calm and Pedal On"! Did you design it? When are the T-shirts going to be available? I am contemplating building my own cargo bike for taking my 7 year old to her various activities. All the best to you!

    1. Hello Dan!

      Sorry it took me forever to respond, your comment fell through the cracks of my message checking system.

      No, I cannot take credit for the logo. I wish;)

      If you do build your bike you should send me pics to post here, I'd love to check it out and I'm sure others would too.

      Thanks Dan!


  5. I love the new "more about me page." It shows that you kept your calm, and you are still pedaling. Everyday of our lives is an adventure, the best we can do is hand on and enjoy the ride...

    Be Safe and Be Green.

  6. Dear Lindsay,

    You know I love your blog and am grateful to have met you through the medium that blogging is. I'm writing to tell you that I've nominated you for the Liebster Award. You can learn more about what that means here:

    Please know that I've chosen to nominate you because your perseverance, your commitment, your passion and drive, inspire me to bigger, better, and greater than I know myself to be. You're creating a wonderful world for your family and I hope you know that it diffuses all around you.

    All my best,

    1. Meg- you are so sweet! What a lovely thing to wake up to in the morning.I shall have to think up an official response and post for later...Your kind words mean so much. Lindsay


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