
Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 27 of 30 days of biking - another victorious day

Another victorious day has come to a close and as challenges that might bore the more advanced rider still delight me, today's ride with a little off road adventure felt amazing. We thought we'd better get a ride in before dusk fell and as neither of us actually felt like riding, we left the house rather begrudgingly. As generally happens, once out on the road with the warm sun and crisp air we woke up and felt energized.

This picture above really captures the essence of the rural side of Walla Walla, big skies and beautiful sunsets. The cement square in the foreground is an access point for the irrigation that runs under the ground, you can hear the water rushing through. They are all covered with random pallets or pieces of wire and the whole thing doesn't seem very safe to me, but I assume no small children fall down them on a regular basis.

This little Quail sung us a beautiful song as we sat and watched him, we also saw a dear little Warbler in the wetlands that was more than happy to sing his little heart out, I'm sure the females of the species were their desired audience, but we enjoyed it!

You may remember I mentioned finding a little dirt trail a few days ago, we headed back there today and attempted to ride it. I was determinedly riding until I came across this little wooden bridge, and thought I'd just walk over it and the next little bridge because I wasn't in the mood for an unexpected swim.

There were a lot of Curly and Weeping Willows all around this area and Kyle saw some wild strawberries.

The ground was so soggy that we sunk into it, remember yesterday we had lake sized puddles! I was really working to cycle through this part and actually made it all the way without stopping. It's not a very long trail at all, but still a lovely little escape and sanctuary for wildlife.

Another overly wide road and sidewalk, I wish we had been here when a huge Dodge Truck decided to blast by us within an arms reach, they had aftermarket exhaust (very loud) and raced by us at about twice the legal speed limit, scaring and angering us.

I think we will find ourselves revisiting this beautiful area, it was so incredibly peaceful! I'd like to go looking for frogs and tadpoles, and explore a little. I'm sure Jack would love to get off the bike and poke around, although water scares me with speedy little toddlers, so I'll probably take his harness with me. Overall another beautiful addition to the 30 days of biking!


  1. Replies
    1. It was, but far, far too short! It's only about 2 blocks long;( But still worth the excursion!

    2. * I should add, the off-road part was only 2 blocks lol...not the whole ride, that was about 4 miles.

  2. you've tried a nice little trail,soon you'll be hooked and wanting some knobbie tires,teeheehee! :p

    Looks like an awesome ride,and yes DEFINATELY keep an eye on Jack at the water,but just as "yes",he'll have a blast :)

    The DC

    1. Hey TDC- When I was younger I got really into mountain biking and used to be pretty fit...seems like such a long time ago, but I want to get back there someday.
      Water and toddlers are one of my biggest fears...last year a little boy drowned who was camping with his family. I think about them and him often and try to learn from other peoples "mistakes"- but these awful accidents do happen. I told Kyle and Jack from day 1- that there was a good chance I'd be an overprotective parent- but that I was okay with that because if that's his biggest complaint as an ADULT I will be happy Ive done a good job!

  3. Wohoo! That is pretty! We live in such a great state, huh? I'm grateful to live on the east (dry) side of the Cascades, too. =o)

    1. Destiny- YES I love the pacific NW, although I prefer the West side...I love Portland's weather, but prefer the long summers here...can never be happy lol

  4. Very pretty pictures. Makes me almost feel like I went with you.


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