
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 26 of 30 days of biking - biggest puddle ever!

It's a little hard to see him in there, but today my darling passenger required a little extra layer between him and the elements. The weather protector has really made a huge difference to our journey, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have made it through this month without it, I can relax and ride knowing he's snug and dry back there, even if I'm getting soaked. The rain fell in buckets today, non stop for hours and hours, which made for some interesting obstacles along the way.

I was incredibly lucky in my timing and left during a dry spell, as I took a quick short ride (so as not to tempt fate) I stayed dry the entire time. The wind however was tremendous and obviously never managed to be at my back.

Jack finally took the nap he'd been fighting off for hours, as Kyle is off work during the middle of the week it threw our schedules off. Jack had been far too happy having Daddy home to bother with silly old nap time.

I still haven't set in stone any specific challenges for the month of May. The only goal I had previously for this month was to be able to ride the distance to Farmers Market for opening week, I have achieved that distance a few times now, but I think we will still head that way on opening weekend anyway- just to follow through.

I'm pondering a few ideas for personal challenges for May, but as I still have a few days to toss it around, I think I will do just that. If anyone has any ideas feel free to offer them.

There is one thing I am quite certain of, and that is that I'm not going to be writing here daily in May! I think blogging daily is far more of a challenge than actually riding daily, which must be a good sign!


  1. Ha! You're right, it's much easier to ride every day than to write every day!

    1. Yes, I find my content is waning under the daily blogging!

  2. I'm feeling that way about trying to get a good photo every day. Whew!

    1. My camera is in a bit of a state lol, it has black streaks in the LCD screen- need a new one but not in the budget yet.

  3. Kath Youell and Julie Starling: Agreed!

    Lindsay,I hope you rode throught that big puddle gast and yelled "Weeeeeeee!" :p Nick is standing beside me as I read this one,he said he LOVES riding through em,LOL!

    The DC

  4. Rock on with your hot biking-self, Lindsay! A total inspiration, and I posted your blog on my FaceBook page. I love bikes and winter biking and I'm always motivated more to ride because of strong women like you! Thanks! =o)

    1. Hello Destiny- THANK YOU for the words of encouragement- I love the way the motivation and inspiration just keeps getting passed around within the community! Lindsay


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