
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 28 of 30 days of biking - Jack's Birthday Party

I took this picture at about 9 am this morning, of the yard AFTER we had spent a few hours mowing, sweeping, raking and generally cleaning...all in preparation for Jack's Birthday Party (actually Kyle's too!). I mention the time, because as I write this, I am literally sitting down and relaxing for the first time all day.

Our little boy had an amazing day, he played and laughed, he ran and squealed, he ate a huge slice of sugary cake! Luckily Kyle remembered to buy a candle and the little guy even blew it out on his own!

I've always thought Birthdays were also a celebration for Mothers, and I too had a lovely day, surrounded by great people and wonderful children. Jack got the best gifts, the kind of things Kyle and I would have picked out ourselves, like buckets, yard tools, bubbles, baseballs, bats and books!

Our bike ride after the party was pretty short, but we we're tired and ready to put our feet up, so I'm happy we got a quick 2 miles in before retiring for the night.

I am so happy that I am working towards a goal for a better lifestyle and healthier future for Jack and I. For sometime now I have stressed about him turning 2, it was a deadline I'd set for myself last summer, that by this day I would be working towards getting healthier- it felt good to be on the journey already.

A short blog post tonight, but it's time to rest up for a good ride tomorrow!


  1. Happy Birthday, Jack! Sounds like a lovely time was had by all. Glad you enjoyed yourselves :)

    1. Thanks Karena- I think everyone had a good day!

  2. HAPPY-BIRTHDAY!!! Jack and best wishes on your next trip around the sun. =) And yes every birthday is a celebration of a mothers suffering which goes overlook. Or perhaps that the labor is over and now we dads get to share in the crazy science experiment we call kids.

    1. Thanks John- Especially at this age, when he doesn't really understand what the party is for - I feel like really its my celebration for getting to be blessed with him in my life! And Dad's too of course! Although Kyle doesn't get as sappy as I do!

  3. Well happy birthday to your two men from VA,my friend! Glad they had an awesome day of it (you as well). Nick's party is next Saturday and the actual day falls of Mother's Day this year,LOL!

    I can picture all those kids running,laughing and having a blast. Made me smile (beLIEVE me I needed a smile after today,LOL).

    The DC

    1. Hey TDC-

      Hope you guys have a good party weekend too- nice mothers day present! Lindsay


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