
Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 30 of 30 days - Success!

That's it, I did it- I rode every single day in April. To be honest I'm amazed at my own will power and capacity for following through on a challenge. This marks the first time in my life I've ever actually succeeded at something like this and yes, I'm shocked...and pretty proud of myself too!

We took a left out of the driveway today, which is only the second time we've ever done so. Because the first hill wasn't punishing enough, we decided to cycle around the cemetery, which is on a hillside. In this picture (above) I'm recovering from the torture and having one of those "why the hell am I doing this again?" moments...short lived of course.

Tonight as we were climbing our last hill, my gears suddenly came to a grinding halt and then released again, causing my leg to slam down with full force on my ankle in a rather awkward angle. It wasn't too bad at the time so I just kept going, but as the ride continued it started to really hurt. I must have been overcompensating with my other leg, which in turn made that knee hurt. I was very relieved to get home and had a few moments of doubt in my ability to do so, but I had no options. Walking my bike is not a pleasant or easy experience, especially with a sore ankle and tibia. As Kyle pointed out, it really couldn't have happened on a better day.

I still thoroughly enjoyed this ride, the last of 30 days of biking. I feel a little sentimental about this month, it was special, it took me from a person who rides a bike, to a bicyclist. It gave me a passion that was not there before, it gave me support and community, it gave back so much for every ounce of effort I pushed into it. Most of all, this month has given me a solid foundation for the journey ahead of me, something to build on and move forward with. Thank you all for joining me, I have such a long journey ahead of me. I honestly couldn't do it without everyone that contributes here, the cycling community rocks!


  1. LINDSAY! Congratulations! This is such an awesome day and I'm sure the local folks are celebrating with you. It's not over yet though.

    i LOVE this quote of yours... t took me from a person who rides a bike, to a bicyclist. It gave me a passion that was not there before..." THIS IS AWESOME...did you feel a BREAKTHROUGH.

    I read quite a bit of Tony Robbins and he may not be some folks cup of tea but he's insightful. One of his quotes (and I am paraphrasing) is the one of the most critical aspects of humans is our need to remain CONSISTENT with who we believe ourselves to be.

    You're no longer some one who rides a bike. You ARE a bicyclist...and more!


    1. Hey Destiny- Thank you! I'm not sure if I felt a breakthrough as much as a realization that I'm i it for the long haul now...

      I've never heard of Tony, but I like that quote. I think the journey ahead of me will still take a lot of work, but Im up for it!

  2. Big congratulations, Lindsay! I'm very proud of you! What a great achievement. Now "Keep calm and pedal on", girl! :)

  3. Congratulations!!! those days seem to have flown by. I wonder if doing it in April is a specially challenging because of the cold/wet weather? I have never done anything like that,30/30 challenge. Nice job, well done. =)

    1. John-

      They did fly by! The first week dragged, and then it just went so quick! I think that is why they pick April- get people moving in Spring. I really enjoyed it. Thank you!

  4. Well done Lindsay. Feels great doesn't it!

    I hope you continue to ride every day. In fact why don't you sign up for the National Bike Challenge? You don't necessarily have to ride every day, but you log your miles when you do ride.

    I did it last year and have signed up again this year.

    1. CTQ- Yes, I joined the national bike challenge, I'm looking forward to seeing how far I can go with it. Thanks for following along and helping keep me motivated!

  5. I'm very proud of you,my friend,YOU DID IT!!! :D See,you can do ANYthing you put your mind to.

    Take care of your ankle and knee,my friend,don't push them,you can ride easier now,the milestone is behind you. Awesome job :)

    I'll be starting 30 days of riding in 31 days today since I had injury issues last month,LOL,I'm always a month late and dollar short,eh? :p Inspired by your accomplishment as well!

    The DC

    1. Hey TDC- Yes, taking it easy today on the ankle...not wanting to make it any worse. I like the idea of 30 in May, makes you trend setter lol


    2. Good on the ankle,I hope it's doing well :)

      I'm calling it "30 Rides in 31 Days" LOL! :p I'm not sure about being a trend-setter,but if you read back in some of my older stuff ( may not even be there,it may be "in between the lines",a pattern of lifestyle maybe?),I always did need to be different,and was always a "lone wolf" kinda guy (eg: a loner in high school,my specific funstion in my ARMY unit kept me off to myself or 1-2 others,then I drove 18 wheelers...LOL! :p),but honestly,it's just that I was really looking forward to last month's challenge and was forced to miss part of it. Besides,this way I get a day off somewhere in the middle :p

      The DC

  6. I only got 28 days done. I could have taken token rides around the block last Saturday and Sunday, but they wouldn't have been real rides like the rest of the month so it felt like cheating. Still 28/30 for the first time trying was pretty good! I'm looking forward to May, National Biking Month.

    Take care of your ankle, lady!

    1. Kath-

      I think 28 out of 30 is excellent, I would be happy with that! I joined the National Bike Month too! Lets keep the pedals moving!

  7. I'm looking forward to reading about future adventures and I will surely join you next April for the challenge!

    1. Matthew- Yes, I recommend the challenge, a lot of fun! Thanks for following along! Lindsay

  8. Fantastic job, Lindsay! A big "Congratulations!" to you!

    We discovered the challenge a little late but have made sure to ride to work every day come rain or shine, BUT that's been nothing like the effort required to do what you did, so hat's off to you!

    Now you can relax somewhat but we have the feeling you won't let up too much now that you've got the fire in your belly!

    We look forward to your continuing posts here on the blog (even if they're no longer daily)

    All the best,

    1. bee & jay-

      I took a day off yesterday to make sure my ankle got rest, today we're going to go for a ride, I missed it yesterday!

      The daily blogging was way harder than the cycling- it's tough to fit in both, especially on the party day lol.

      Thank you for following along- means a lot! Lindsay

  9. Congrats. Your smile in that last picture says it all.


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