
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 24 of 30 days of biking - Building momentum on a slow ride

Day 24 of 30 and a short ride turned out a little longer than we expected, just under 5 miles. Nothing for so many people, but for me, it's slowly building in distance that makes me feel accomplished, and tonight I feel very accomplished. Knee pain is at an all time low, hills are getting a little easier and recovery time doesn't leave me feeling 100% drained of energy.

We enjoyed more magnificent weather today, warm breezes and clear skies. I haven't checked milage, but I think tonight may be our longest mid-week ride, and I sense it's becoming habitual for both Kyle and I at this point. I also sense it's going to be a really good year for all of us, we look forward to these rides together as the highlight of our days.

Considering the next part of my journey, I find myself drawn to the idea of riding first thing in the morning and then again in the evenings with Kyle. I think the more you ride, the more you realize the power of the can change you, change your family, change your community and really where does it end? When people see me they might not see these changes, I still don't look anything like what one imagines a cyclist to look like, but I can feel like I'm gaining momentum now, slowly.


  1. Very pleased to hear about your progress, Lindsay! You've not been cycling for a very long time, and you're already seeing the benefits. Now imagine where you'll be in a 2-3 years time. Keep at it!

    1. J- I get really happy when I think about how great this will feel in a few months, 6 months, next just gets better!

  2. Nice sidewalk art, especially the skull and crossbones. Morning bike rides are the best. Before the rest of the world wakes up and gets on with their day, it's so peaceful and the air so crisp and clean. =)

    1. John- Kyle did the skull;) Now Ive got to get a decent sleep so I can get up early...

  3. All three of you look to me what cyclists should look like-real people enjoying the wondrous thing together that is bicycle! I LOVE that you guys ride as a family,that's just so awesome (I know...I seem to use that word lots lately,but it feel appropriate :p) and something I wish I had more of here (Nick is ALWAYS up for a ride,Jamie on occasional occasion,the Wife often speaks of wanting to learn to ride but has so far made no effort to sdo so...).

    I really dig that plan as well,"ride in the morning and then again in the evening". There be days coming where weather (hopefully my I'm-NOT-a-morning-person-ness as well,LOL) will allow,and after Jamie gets on her bus for school,rather than watch cartoons until his bus runs,Nick and I will pedal out and ride together to his school,doing just the opposite that afternoon of course,to "pick him up". Soccer Dad,indeed....I'm a bikin' Dad :D

    I always love the pics you guys post of that sweet Yuba and smiling faces (especially those when Jack was shoving strawberries in his mouth,teeheehee,but I especially liked the first two here,the chalk writting remind me of my kids drawing/playing tic tac toe on the bridge at our old house,and seeing those two bikes together just put a smile on my face. The last one's uber to,a Mom and child riding off into the sunset? NICE way to end a post,methinks,sends an awesome (there it is again) message to all who see it that says "riding's goood" :) Yeah,you,Kyle and Jack...y'all look like cyclists to my eye :)

    The DC

    1. Hello DC-
      It's great how this started out to be my project, and then Kyle said he wanted a bike too, and then he started riding more, and now he wants to ride daily! As a couple we really enjoy the time spent on the bikes, to chat and hang out like a pair of kids...its great! Maybe if your wifey tried it a few times she might find she enjoys it- and I always feel less stressed afterwards...which is a huge plus!

      Not long until we will be seeing pics of you on your Mundo hey? Super cool! Cheers Lindsay

    2. That's exactly what I think,about her enjoying it once she tries it. IMO it isn't that she "doesn't want to do it",but she's afraid to try it because she's never ridden a bike,like,ever. I guess she's more afraid someone will laugh at her (being 39 and learning to ride a bike...she's said such) than she is wrecking...sigh,I WILL get her balanced and under her own power on two wheels this year. Possibly as late as mid summer,but there will be a time we go to the old house where only one neighbor (which she never liked much anyways :p) could possibly see,and a nice soft grassy yard to teach her in,but don't tell her,I want to surprise her ;):p

      IF nothing pops up to postpone it,HOPEfully as early as late next week I could be making the order,I'm SO excited!!! :D

      The DC

    3. When you get your bike you should send me some pics for the blog!

      Your wife will love riding- she should just do what I did- forget what people think, 9 times out of 10 people are so wrapped up in themselves they don't notice other people anyway - and the other 1% would probably think she rocks for achieving something that had stressed her out before.

  4. You're, unknowingly, I'm sure, part of a movement:

    1. Cullen- I am aware of the Slow Bike Movement- love the idea of enjoying the journey and the destination! Just makes sense!


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